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Millions of individuals set New Year's resolutions each year in the hope that they can spark positive change. Taking a more active role in one's health and fitness, enhancing one's financial situation, and learning new things are repeating themes each year. Despite their best intentions, many individuals find it difficult to carry out their resolutions when the new year's glimmer fades.

In order to avoid being among those who fall short of their goals for 2022, we've devised a comprehensive strategy to help you follow through on your resolutions. These 5 steps can help you achieve your New Year's resolutions this year:

1. Mentally prepare for change

As you begin to consider the changes you wish to make, be sure to do the following:

  • Aim to avoid making drastic or sudden changes

  • Gradual changes are best.

  • Build on smaller changes

  • Allow some wiggle room for mistakes

  • Stay positive

2. Limit resolutions to a manageable amount

Many people make the error of establishing too many resolutions and spreading themselves too thin. The more resolutions you make, the less time you have for self-improvement, and the less likely you are to meet all of the goals you have set for yourself. In other words, establish a brief list of resolutions you can actually accomplish in the next year.

3. Write down your goals

While it's excellent to have goals, it's also important to keep track of/document them. Here is why:

  • It helps you clarify what it is you want to achieve

  • It establishes intention

  • It helps you overcome resistance to progress

  • It serves as a constant reminder of how far you've come and how much you've accomplished

4. Review your resolution regularly

We all know that following a resolution is difficult if you don't constantly reflect on it. Therefore, it is critical that you do regular reviews in order to stay on track. This review should occur at least once each month, although it is preferable if it occurs more frequently.

5. If you fall off track, get back on quick

Rome was not built in a day. Setbacks are inevitable, but as long as they are managed properly, they will have no effect on the overall goal. The critical point is to avoid adopting a mindset of “defeat” at all costs. Once a mistake is made, own it and move on to the next thing.


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